Publish with Us

Are you a writer? Do you want to publish your article or blog on our website? You are most welcome!

Author Submissions

Welcome to Diversity Assam

We value the diversity of perspectives and ideas from writers and content creators in Assam. If you have a passion for writing professional articles or blogs, we invite you to share your insights and knowledge with our audience.

If your article is about Assam, Assam tourism, Assam tea, Assamese culture, food, lifestyle, history literature, or anything that highlights the natural, social, cultural, and financial diversity of Assam, we are ready to publish your article following the given guidelines.

Submission Guidelines:

Before submitting your content, please review our submission guidelines to ensure that your content aligns with our website’s focus and quality standards:

  1. Relevance: Your content should be relevant to our website’s theme, which is promoting the natural, social, cultural, and financial diversity of Assam.
  2. Originality: We only accept original content. Your submission should not have been published elsewhere, including on your own blog or website. Even if there is 1% plagiarism, we are bound to reject your submission.
  3. Quality: We value well-researched, informative, and engaging content. Ensure that your writing is free of informational and grammatical errors and is well-structured.
  4. Word Count: Articles should typically be between 800 words to 2500 words
  5. Author Bio: Include a brief author biography (about 2-3 sentences) at the end of your article, with your name and credentials.

Submission Process:

To submit your article for consideration, please follow these steps:

  1. Draft your Article: Write your article according to our guidelines.
  2. Review: Carefully proofread and edit your content to ensure it meets our quality standards.
  3. Submit: Email your article as a Word document or Google Docs link to with the subject line “Article Submission”.
  4. Approval: Our editorial team will review your submission. If it meets our criteria, we will notify you about the publication date.

Benefits of Publishing with us:

  • Exposure: Your content will be featured on our website and shared on our social media platforms, increasing your reach and visibility.
  • Community Engagement: Engage with a community of like-minded people who are enthusiasts of reading and writing quality articles and are dedicated to promoting the natural, social, cultural, and financial diversity of Assam.


We reserve the right to make edits for clarity, style, or formatting. We may also decline articles that do not meet our quality standards or are not relevant to our audience.

Thank you for considering becoming an author on Diversity Assam. We look forward to receiving your submissions and working with you to create valuable and engaging articles for our readers.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us at

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